Trash Has Crashed

The NY Times published a December 7th article titled Back at Junk Value, Recyclables Are Piling Up, which confirms what we’ve been learning here. The market for recyclables is drying up, and prices have declined precipitously. We don’t know yet the extent...

It Works

We worked most of Tuesday with university electricians to rewire the hotpress so that it wouldn’t continually shut down the electrical circuits in the FADU basement, outside of the CEP, where it is now located. By Wednesday morning the electrical work was...

Very Hot (pressing)

About 2 weeks before arriving in Buenos Aires, we arranged with Carlos Levinton to move the hotpress from INTI, where it had languished this past year, to his Center for Experimental Production (CEP) at the University of Bs.As. We wanted to maximize the short time we...

Back in Buenos Aires

We’ve been quiet on these pages for almost one year – the time that has passed since we left BsAs and returned to North America – but this doesn’t mean that we’ve been quiet. Much and little has happened in the interim between December...

Who’s Doing What?

Who’s doing what? How will Waste-for-Life BA sustain itself? The only thing we knew for certain before coming to Argentina was that our stay was finite. The time that separated our flight into and out of BA was 6 months; we knew very little else. It’s...

Handing it Over

In a few hours we’re off to INTI to participate in what is surely our final Waste-for-Life meeting before leaving Buenos Aires. We’ve already begun saying goodbye to our many compañeros, a word that after 6 months of learning and struggling here has real...


Tomas delivered the Kingston Hotpress to INTI on Thursday as scheduled, and after about 2 hours of fiddling around with the electrical installation, we had a go of it with the strips of plastic bag that Caroline had been cutting up all morning – a task that was...

Sin Patrón.

While waiting for the final tweaks to the hotpress – by the way, Tomas has tweaked it and is delivering it to INTI this Thursday, December 13 – the remarkable Erika Loritz has helped us conduct street interviews with cartoneros. (I met Erika in October on...

The Mighty Hotpress is Finished (almost)

We passed by Tomas Benasso’s workshop a few days ago to gaze at the finished hotpress and go over some of the minor kinks that he’s going to work out during the next 2 weeks. It’s a mighty beast of a machine and a tangible measure of one of the...

Reciclando Sueños

On a rainy Thursday, October 11, I accompanied Caroline and Eric to the cooperative Reciclando Sueños located in La Matanza, the largest zone of the Province of Buenos Aires with about two million inhabitants. The cooperative, which has collected recyclable waste in...