San Francisco Mandates Compulsory Composting

Silvia Rossi sent us this link to an article about San Francisco’s newest mandatory recycling law. The city is hoping to eliminate all landfill waste by the year...

Cartoneros Film Screening

October 22, 2009. Ernesto Livon-Grosman, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies at Boston College, is joining our colleagues at RISD this evening for a screening of Cartoneros, his award winning 2006 film about Argentina’s waste pickers....

Citizen Engineer

Nasser Saleh sent along a link to Citizen Engineer: A Handbook for Socially Responsible Engineering. Although we take issue with the lopsided implications of the term ‘social responsibility’ which tend to perpetuate social and economic inequalities rather...

First Online Publication

Here’s a link to the first publication about the Cartonero BackFlip Chair: