Our Story
The Bailey Commons


APRIL 19, 2023

ReCrea Tijuana

In early Autumn 2023, the World Design Organization (WDO) announced the San Diego-Tijuana region had been selected as the World Design Capital (WDC) for 2024. The selection of the San Diego-Tijuana...

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All of our projects rely on partnerships, and few are more essential than those we make with local universities that support our communities with research and development. The model is always the same: we look for a university that has an engineering, industrial or product design

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Trust: a conversation

Standing People Together – WFL’s newest program – and Build UP are hosting a 3-day event, June 14th-16th. “Working with community: Critical conversations about trust”, bubbled up as a topic at the January 2018 Engineering, Social Justice and Peace conference in San Diego . . .

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