Waste for Life
Waste for Life stages opportunities to build resilient and connected communities where people, culture, nature, and science conjoin.
Waste for Life Projects
Waste for Life supports educational and community strategies that actively facilitate systemic environmental and social justice change.

Our founding program, Waste for Life, aims to reduce the damaging environmental impact of non-recycled plastic waste products and to promote self-sufficiency and economic security for at-risk populations who depend upon waste to survive. We use scientific knowledge and low-threshold/high-impact technologies to add value to resources that are commonly considered harmful or without worth but are often the source of livelihood for society’s poorest members. Our twin goals are to reduce the damaging environmental impact of non-recycled plastic waste products and to promote self-sufficiency and economic security for at-risk populations who depend upon waste to survive.

If not obscured by haze or smoke, Tijuana is clearly visible across the ocean from Cabrillo National Monument in Point Loma, San Diego. The Mexican border town is but 20 miles away from the Monument, and an intrepid National Park Service ranger (or, perhaps, several rangers or even the entire Park Service), sensing the irony of it all, has staked signage on one of the park’s hiking trails reminding us how artificial that border, or any border for that matter, really is.
Sri Lanka
WFL Sri Lanka began to take shape within the PhD fieldwork of Randika Jayasinghe, who is now our in-country Project Coordinator. For 3 years, she investigated and assessed the feasibility of adapting our Argentinian work model to her own country’s contexts. The total waste landscapes are, of course, entirely different from one another – in both the general civic consciousness about waste and its valuation (writ large), and in the makeup of the groups that are closest to waste sources. But when the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) put out a 2014 call for proposals for their Global Partnerships for Development scheme (GPFD), we applied and won 1 of 13 grants.

Our work in Argentina began as a set of hypothetical question to ourselves: would it be possible to share our specialised knowledge about waste plastics and fibres with people who depend upon waste to survive? And, if so, could this knowledge be transformative? Would it open up pathways toward more economic autonomy and security, reinforce the tenets of cooperativism, influence the relationship of garbage scavengers to the society from which they scavenged, alter the pejorative connotations that swirled around waste? These were heady questions, and this short video gives you a flavour of our early days looking for their answers.